Best Human Design Books to Read Today

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Best Human Design Books to Read Today


In today’s article I want to share with you my top picks for books on the topic of the Human Design system.

As you may have seen, I have another entry describing what this self-development and self-exploration tool is all about if you are just starting out.

If you ask me, I would highly recommend any complete beginners to start with a self study course. And the reason for this is very simple – please remember that Human Design is a practical system with specific day-to-day guidelines you can experiment with. That is why testing this tool is called “entering the experiment”. Because what is the point of just acquiring theoretical knowledge if it won’t help us to navigate successfully in our daily life?

But I get it – we usually start our journey reading books to get us acquainted with the basics of a certain system.

So, I want to be extremely helpful and guide you through all the published volumes and help you pick the right one for you!

Best Human Design books for beginners

The Definitive Book of Human Design, The Science of Differentiation by Ra Uru Hu

I have put this on the first place since this is the official guide the system which had been created by the founder of this self-development tool himself Ra Uru Hu and Lynda Bunnell (the Director of the International Human Design School).

So, this is an extremely valuable work which comes directly from the source without any additions or alterations. As you may guess, every teacher has their own viewpoint and opinion on this subject, so it is extremely important to get back to the basics and the foundations laid by the father of Human Design. There are a couple things I would like to mention: In this volume you will loads of information (I mean LOADS) and for a complete beginner it may be a bit overwhelming. It is essential to remember that is you are a newbie, you need start your experiment working with just a few elements of your design – your strategy, authority, and the open centers. So, keep this in mind when going through this massive information source! This is where the Human Design course comes into play since HD teachers are capable of giving you feedback on the important points you need to focus on, and which parts of your bodygraph are too advanced and unnecessary to work on at the beginning. Another thing about this book is that you may find the language a bit difficult to understand. That’s completely normal at first. Ra had a very specific manner of communicating using allegories and figures of speech. That is why I highly recommend the student manual for the Live your design course which is amazing (see below)!


Rave I’Ching Card Deck (A companion to The Definitive Book of Human Design)

Well, this is not exactly a book, but (as it mentioned in the title) a helpful tool to complement your Definitive Book of Human Design. This is a beautiful card deck which is focused on the gates and the channels of your bodygraph based on the Chinese I Ching system (which is incorporated in Human Design). You know some people can deal better with written knowledge, others – with audio, and lots of folks learn and absorb information more easily through vision. Plus, cards are just fun to play with!


Living Your Design Student Manual

Ahhh, the good stuff! I would actually put this guidebook on the first place, but just for the sake of laying the foundations of the system, the Definitive Book is a must. And once you get acquainted with Human Design, you may feel a bit overwhelmed and confused what exactly to do with all this information, that’s where this manual comes into play!

Ideally, you need to go through a course and this book will be your best companion. But if you are still not sure and you wish to test the waters and start your experiment, this volume will serve you well! The Living Your Design Student Manual is extremely practical and it will focus your attention on the very basis of the system – the necessary foundation to start improving your life in every area (relationships, work, finance, business, wellbeing, etc.). This is the bread and butter of Human Design – your strategy, authority, your definitions, and the not-self themes you need to work on. This alone can be just about enough to turn your life around! But, allow me to share a vital piece of advice – this transformation process may take a bit of time (usually at least 7 years). So, if you resonate with this system, and you are seeing tangible improvements in everyday life, all you need to do is arm yourself with patience and observe the magic!


Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are

This is another great book on this topic which really love! This one is written by the amazing Karen Curry – a Human Design and spiritual teacher. The thing that it is interesting to note about this volume is that Karen Curry gives her own spin on the subject. In other words, this is not a book which is officially recognized by the International Human Design School.

Nevertheless, I still highly recommend reading it because it is a super cool and useful tool for all beginners! Remember when I talked about the peculiar language used in Lynda Bunnell’s book? Well, Understanding Human Design is much more beginner-friendly when it comes to simplicity and clarity! You will still learn all the basics of the systems you need to start your journey today! The cool thing about this book is the unique perspective of Karen Curry as a distilled knowledge coming from working and consulting lots and lots of people throughout the years. I personally really resonate with the information she shares and the perspective and practical suggestions she brings to the table. And lastly, the best part of this volume is the ability to do some homework after each element of your chart in the form of written assignments and affirmations. I really liked this part since it shifts you from theory to experimenting and experiencing right away! And as I have stated over and over – human design is about practice and experimenting, not so much about accumulating theoretical knowledge!


Abundance by Design: Discover Your Unique Code for Health, Wealth and Happiness with Human Design

Abundance by Design is another great work from Karen Curry Parker! This is a very interesting and inspiring work which is focused on the topic of abundance, wealth, and prosperity coming from following your strategy, authority, and unique gifts and talents!

One of the best parts of the Ra Uru Hu’s system is that it works holistically in every area of our lives. In other words, if you are truly living your design correctly, you shouldn’t be struggling with survival or sacrificing your wellbeing and family life for money. But it all takes time – learning the basics, re-programming our minds and changing our behavior and habits on a daily basis is a process which may take seven years or more! And we all need a little bit of encouragement and inspiration along that path. So, in this book you will find what this amazing practical knowledge can do for you, if you decide to follow its guidelines! And Karen Curry’s book achieves this beautifully!


Chetan Parkyn’s Discover the Person You Were Born to Be

This is actually the first book on Human Design (sometimes I call it HD for short) which I read several years back. And it was extremely helpful in getting me started with the program. I like Chetan Parkyn’s approach to HD – his communication style is extremely gentle and uplifting, and I really resonate with it.

Discover the Person You Were Born to Be is another great addition to your personal Human Design library (or as a cool gift for a loved one who is on the path of self-discovery and self-development!). Again, if you have difficulties understating the basic concepts described in the official book by Ra Uru Hu and Lynda Bynnel, this work will be super useful and enlightening! Besides, I found it extremely helpful to read different sources of information to get a different viewpoint on every element of my bodygraph. And this gave me lots of aha moments, insights, and personal revelations!


Best advanced Human Design books

In this section you will find some much more advanced reads for those who are curious and ready to dive deeper into the vast real of Human Design. These are the official manuals created by the founder of the system. You can find all of his books on Amazon right HERE!

But before we jump into those, I just want remind you that these works can serve you better once you have mastered the basics of your experiment which is usually marked by the completion of your beginner HD course!

The Complete Rave I’Ching

As I have mentioned previously, the Chinese I’Ching is one of the main foundations of Ra’s system (along with astrology). So, it is essential to take a look at this ancient knowledge in the light of Human Design. In this reference book you will find all the I’Ching hexagrams with detailed explanation of their meaning, all the gates and lines and their descriptions, which are the harmonic gates and which channels they are part of.

And the best part is that you will get some extremely valuable information on the incarnation crosses which represent our life’s path or mission! Cool, huh?


Rave BodyGraph Circuitry

This is an awesome guide through the realm of the channels and the circuits they are part of. In this book you will find how the energy flows through your defined centers and how we express this outward in the world. Here you will find all kids of interesting and helpful guidelines about your unique abilities and talents (for example, whether you are a more logical person or more creative; whether you are capable of working with details or looking at the big picture; are you are natural caregiver or a charismatic Don Giovanni? and so on).

Remember that these traits can be expressed more naturally and can be enhanced after you start following your strategy and authority (S & A for short)! But the knowledge in this book can truly give a huge advantage once you know what you should focus on! P.S. one of the best things I LOVE about HD is that it shows us what we are good at and encourages us to expand on that and delegate to others what does not comes naturally to us. This alone can significantly take the immense pressure off your shoulders and boost your self-esteem immediately! Because we have been raised to make an immense effort to be perfect at everything and that just does not work, does it?


Additional reads

Here’s a short list of other super cool Human Design books you can check out if you have become a true rabid fan of the system!

Believe it or not, once you follow your experiment and see the results, there is no turning back! 🙂

Human Design System – The Centres

Getting to Know YOU: Embrace Your Unique Blueprint to Make Decisions You Love and Trust – a Human Design Guidebook

Rave I’Ching: Line Companion

Human Design Evolution Guide 2020: Using Solar Transits to Design Your Year

Understanding Your Clients through Human Design: The Breakthrough Technology

The Gene Keys: Embracing Your Higher Purpose

Astrology and HD work beautifully together! So, you are interested in finding your life’s mission and your best career options through astrology, you can check out my blog series on that topic as well!

best human design books

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