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FREE Astrology Career Report

Free Astrology Career Report (Free Online Horoscope Career Report) ___________ This is what you were born to do (according to Astrology)! ___________ Table of contents:What’s in the free Astrology career report?Why make your own career analysis?How I became a best-selling authorThis is just the tip of the iceberg! We humans may be quite different as Read more about FREE Astrology Career Report[…]

10th house lord in seventh house, tenth house lord in 7th house profession

What is 10th House Lord in Seventh House in Astrology?

What is 10th House Lord in Seventh House in Astrology? (Tenth House Ruler in 7th House)? Here comes the next entry on the topic of the Medium Coeli ruler through the houses in the natal chart – one of the key points we should look at when analyzing our best career opportunities! You can find Read more about What is 10th House Lord in Seventh House in Astrology?[…]

10th house lord in sixth house, tenth house lord in 6th house profession

What is 10th House Lord in Sixth House in Astrology?

What is 10th House Lord in Sixth House in Astrology? (Tenth House Ruler in 6th House)? We continue with our series on the topic of the tenth house lord through the astrological houses – how this is connected to our vocation and our best options for a fulfilling career. You can check the previously published Read more about What is 10th House Lord in Sixth House in Astrology?[…]

10th house lord in fifth house, tenth house lord in 5th house profession

What is 10th House Lord in Fifth House in Astrology?

What is 10th House Lord in Fifth House in Astrology? (Tenth House Ruler in 5th House)? Today’s entry is a continuation of the blog series dedicated to the ruler of the tenth astrological house in the other natal houses. The previous entries are right here for you to check and absorb => First House | Second House | Third House | Fourth Read more about What is 10th House Lord in Fifth House in Astrology?[…]