The Human Design Benefits (The Best Self Development Tool Ever)

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The Human Design Benefits (The Best Self Development Tool Ever)


human design benefits, self development tool

The last few weeks I have been looking into the topics of career and one’s best job opportunities according to astrology. This seems to touch a nerve on many people which leads me to believe that lots of folks are not happy with their career or their current job positions.

That is why I wanted to expand on this a little bit and share my findings since I had been struggling with this issue myself for many many years!

As I stated previously in one of my posts, up until this day I have found two main tools for making the right decisions in life (especially when it comes to choosing a better job/career/business opportunity) – astrology and human design. You can check how I see this process through the eyes of astrology in this article and the following blog series.

Today I want to focus on the second major self development tool I have found – human design – a system founded by a guy with the exotic alias of Ra Uru Hu.

I like to call this system “astrology on steroids” because it is an extremely intricate and sophisticated medium for self-discovery and more importantly – for clear practical guidance for making correct life decision in every area of our existence – love, relationships, career, money, business, exercise, nutrition, happiness, fulfillment, etc.

As you can see this is a holistic system which is the perfect amalgam of astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the law of attraction, genetics, psychology, and more!

But, let me tell you what I really love about human design and why you should (in my humble opinion) take a look at it. Even if it’s just for the sake of pure curiosity!

  • It’s practical – this is probably one of my most favorite human design benefits! This is not just the next package of theoretical knowledge you can memorize and use to judge yourself and others! Human deign gives you practical day-to-day guidelines you can test out! Yes – that is why following these practices is called “entering the experiment” – you do not take for granted the words of just another guru out there – you test out everything and see whether it resonates with your being and whether it leads to something positive or not. This reminds me of the wise words of Buddha – “Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter and remain in them.” Drops mic.
  • It teaches you self love better than any other system – human design will show you your uniqueness, and most of all – the core principle that you should not compare yourself to others and try to emulate someone else. Human design will help you discover who you really are (even some traits which are seen by others but remain unconscious to you) and what your strengths are. And thus, you do not have to try to make up for your weaknesses. Instead, you will learn how to focus on your talents and skills while delegating the rest to someone else. Yes – this will be the end of your struggles and dramas (should you decide to accept the experiment J ).
  • Human design is the art of successful cooperation (not competition) – as kids we have been taught to constantly compare ourselves to others. We are being given the same standard set of requirements we need to meet. But we are made different – some are more energetic and filled with extra life force fuel, others need more rest (for example, according to human design there are energy types and non energy types). Some are good negotiators, other are more straightforward and crude. You get the point. And instead of learning how to cooperate with each other to combine these opposite energies, we have been taught to be one-man shows trying to solve all our problems by ourselves. But what happens in realty? Life requires cooperation. As much as we like to think that success can be acquired alone, the truth is, it always comes as a result of some sort of relationships with the outer world. A successful business requires the ability to trade goods between merchants and clients; a successful marriage requires having the ability to make compromises; a successful career requires the ability to work in teams; not to mention good parenting… If you have been wondering why poor students with excellent communicating skills are more successful than good students with no social connections – I think here is your answer!

Are you ready to enter the experiment?

If so, here’s what you need to do first!

Go to Jovian Archive to grab your free human design mandala (also known as human design bodygraph or human design chart). Just like with the astrological birth chart, you will need your birth date, birth time (as accurate as possible), and your birth place.

Do not worry if you do not understand anything there! Save your bodygraph to have at your disposal.

How to read human design chart?

The first main thing you need to look at are the human design aura types – you can be either a pure generator, manifesting generator, a manifestor, a projector or a reflector.

Then, you can take a quick look ate your strategy, authority, and the not self theme – these are two main practical starting points you will be working with.

You can start by reading some of the awesome materials by Rosy Aronson. (You can also check Karen Curry’s amazing books to get you started or grab the Human design bible by Lynda Bunnell which is approved by the creator of the system himself – Ra Uru Hu!)

For instance, here is a quick video of the human design explained. (Rosy Aronson. Ph.D is much better at teaching you the essentials than me 😀 )

And of course, do not be afraid to get a human design reading to receive all the info you need all in one place and save yourself a lot of time and effort in picking everything which is applicable to your unique design piece by piece! I wish I had done this years ago! Ugh! 

OK, guys! That was all I had for today!

Let me know in the comment section below – have you heard of human design before? Do you have any experience with it so far? Have you been experimenting with your strategy and authority?

I am eager to find out your success stories!

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